Go through Chinese Medicine For Hair Loss much more

Chinese medicine consists of the following healing techniques: herbology, acupuncture, and acupressure. These modes of healing can be rooted back in the ancient Chinese system of treating diseases. Right now, a lot of medical practitioners are claiming that these healing techniques have some legitimate scientific basis to it. Incidentally, hair loss is just one minor problem that Chinese medicine can easily address.

There are different concoctions, herbs, and procedures to revert hair loss in a person. The traditional Chinese way of healing comprises the use of pressure points, chi, and energy flow into the body. One good medicine for hair loss is Goto Kola.

A very popular herb known to curb hair loss in men and also control male pattern baldness.
Also known to help people with alopecea, this herb is available in its natural form and as a pill.
It is also used for blood purification and increase memory power of a person, but must be taken after Doctor's consultation only.

Goto Kola is very effective for age-related hair loss and male pattern baldness. It is believed that Goto Kola is the well-kept secrets of Chinese centenarians who have gone past their 100th birthday still enjoy the full lock of their hair.

But more than treating hair loss, Goto Kola is also effective for memory problems, anxiety, insomnia, edema, and high blood pressure. It can also be used to enhance a person's cognitive processes, heal wounds, and promote blood circulation.

Other than Goto Kola, ginseng is also a good treatment for hair loss.

Who hasn't heard of this Chinese medicine, right? Well, Ginseng has been administered for decades now, to cure various ailments, one of which is hair loss.
The Siberian Ginseng has strong medicinal powers that helps rejuvenate the scalp and increase blood flow.

This herb must be the most popular one yet this decade. Both Chinese medicine and the Indian Ayurvedic medicine had attested to its effectiveness. It addresses hair loss by directly inhibiting the production of 5 alpha reductase, which is the element that is believed to cause the problem. Ginseng can also inhibit cortisol and work as an adaptogen.

Foti, also referred to as Shien Mien in Chinese medicine, is also a good herbal treatment for hair loss.

Also known as He Shou Wu, this herb is commonly consumed as tea or as medication to help increase hair growth and reduce hair loss.

In fact, it has been used as a hair-growing agent in the past few years already. However, scientific evidences to prove its effectiveness are yet to surface. But with the testimonials of the people who are using it, this herb is definitely worth a try.

But more than the use of Chinese medicine, it has been recently discovered that male pattern baldness can actually be triggered by the food that a person eats. A western diet consisting of dairy products, meat, and fast food items are conducive to hair loss, according to an epidemiological study conducted in Japan eight years ago.

The study also concluded that a macrobiotic diet has a positive effect to hair growth. Such diet consists of grains, fish, and vegetables, including foods that are rich in the 3 fatty acids and 6 fatty acids.

Hair Loss

The author is the owner of The Chinese Medicine Guide [http://www.mychinesemedicine.com].

For more information about Chinese medicine for hair loss [http://www.mychinesemedicine.com/treatment/hair_loss.aspx] visit the website.

Chinese Medicine For Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Understand About Various Medical Treatments For Hair Loss additional

Baldness is more often prevalent in males rather than female due to many biological and medical reasons. There are many geneticreasons, lifestyle patterns and environmental factors which are responsible for loss of hair. The scientific term for the extreme loss of hair in males is "Androgenic Alopecia". However, now there are many treatments available for curing or reducing different forms of alopecia, but they have limited effects and success rate.

Various Hair loss Treatments:

It is easier to reduce or prevent further hair loss than regrowing hair. You can prevent fallimng out of healthy hair or weakening of healthy hair than growing back healthy hair with various present treatments. There are products available including finasteride and minoxidil, that have a good success rate in curing loss of hair and regrowth of hair too to some extent.
Finasteride: These are 'aza-steroids' that are presented in many marketed drugs to cure loss of hair, like Propecia and Proscar. One of the most common reasons of baldness in men is the increase in the levels of a sex hormone, called DTH or Dihydrotestostrene in males. Finasteride is a DTH inhibitor, which binds to the molecules in enzymes to reduce or stop their activities. However, this drug is not meant for all. This is usually only prescribed to males. This should not be used by pregnant women, or woman trying to conceive, as there have been studies which showed the adverse and ill effects this steroid can have on an unborn baby and can lower your chances of conceiving. This steroid can cause severe birth defects in especially male foetuses. Moreover, its success rate in treating hair loss in women is negligible. Finasteride has a positive success rate in treating male loss of hair. According to a survey, approxiametly 80% of males have improved their hair grwoth and appearances.
Minoxidil: This is usually an oral drug used in curing or controlling Hyper Blood Pressure. However, during a research it was found that this drug had the side effect of increasing hair growth or reverse hair loss. Since, then drugs or solutions for hair loss treatment are available in market that contains 2% of this drug in them. This is most efficient in treating Male pattern hair loss, speacilly the bald patches that forms on the top of the ehad, also called the Vertex. However, it is equally efficient in treating frontal baldness. Its success rate is high, approxiamately 51% men benefitted from this treatment.
Dutasteride: This also belongs to the family of 'Aza-steriod' like Finasteride. This drug too was used to cure Hyper Blood Pressure. However, it is used in drugs to cure loss of hair, like in Avodart. It is also effective in treating an enlarged prostrate that happens due to the rise in the level of DHT.

Ketoconazole: Thuis drug is mainly used in treatments of skin and fungal infections. This drug has qualities of being anti-fungal and hair growth stimulater . However, it has not yet been approved for hair loss treatments.

Hair Loss Treatments

For any help on hair loss treatment, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the Advanced Hair Studio!

About Various Medical Treatments For Hair Loss

Hair Loss Treatments

Read Effective Treatments For Hair Loss additional

The most common reason for dramatic hair loss in men is known as male pattern baldness.  Its official name is androgenic alopecia, and it is a trait which is genetically inherited.  More common than you may realize, men have a 4 in 7 chance of carrying this gene.  The effects are fairly easy to recognize.  

About a quarter of men affected, will begin balding as early as their 30's.  Typically beginning as what we commonly refer to as a "receding hairline', rapid loss of hair on either side of the forehead, often accompanied by equally drastic balding on the top of the head. 

Although there is a genetic component at work in the onset of this baldness, there are many effective treatments once it has begun.  In order to treat this type of hair loss, it is helpful to understand exactly what causes it.  It is largely the result of an increase in the level of a hormone called diyhydrotestosterone, or DHT.  

When this hormone becomes abundant  on the surface of the scalp, it binds itself to the hair follicles, tightly strangling them off from a flow of nutrients they need to stay healthy. The follicles shrink, and the hair growing from them becomes thinner, until the follicle eventually becomes too thin for any hair to grow.  

Many promising treatments for hair loss due to this type of baldness involve targeting the hormone DHT, and working to decrease it. These DHT inhibitors can be used in combination with other products for visible results.  When used in conjunction with growth stimulator products, designed to promote new growth, it makes the loss of hair far less noticeable.

 In addition, anti Androgens, which will seek to block the binding of DHT to the follicle, when used with DHT inhibitors, have very promising results.

Another contributing factor to hair loss can be as simple as irritation on the scalp which can serve to weaken otherwise healthy follicles.  Simple anti-inflammatory creams, and shampoos can help to alleviate this condition. And lastly,  Super Oxide Dismutase can stimulate hair growth in those suffering from hair loss.  With so many promising treatments, baldness is no longer a life sentence.

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Effective Treatments For Hair Loss

Hair Loss Treatments

Examine Home Treatments For Hair Loss That Work much more

Home Treatments For Hair Loss That Work

Hair Loss Treatments

It is very common for people to lose hair especially when it is wet or after they comb it. Experts agree that it is normal and essential for some hair to fall out so that they may get replaced with new hairs. The average loss of hair should be about 100 hairs per day. If you are losing more than this amount on a daily average you might be experiencing hair loss.

If you believe you are experiencing hair fall,the most obvious way to deal with your loss is to go and see your doctor, to ensure that you get the proper diagnosis. Men and women who are genetically prone to baldness or from skin problems need to seek advice from their doctor and get all the options available for treatment. However those who are encountering temporary loss of hair are encouraged to take care of it with home remedies and solutions.

The below listed hair loss remedies can be used in the privacy of your own home:

1. The miracles of therapeutic massage to the scalp.

Hair massage has been used for thousands of years to help solve baldness since it can help the hair follicles become tougher. The reason that it can be so useful is that by putting direct pressure to the scalp it will increase blood flow to the hair follicle's thus giving it the nutrients that it needs to grow and flourish. Usually messages are done manually with the finger tips. You can have someone else message your scalp, or you can have someone else do it for you. And if you do not want to message your own head manually you can always opt for an electrical hair massage unit which are available in most health or wellness stores.

2. Hot oil treatments.

Experts agree that those who are prone to hair thinning can also benefit from hot oil treatments because they may help cure minor scalp disorders. At least 3 treatments should be done each week to get the most benefit as a treatment for hair loss. You can use a shower cap as you are doing this at home. You can also purchase there ready-to-use oil treatments that contain oils from sesame, olive and the coconut. And if you are looking for a relaxing hot oil treatment at home, then you will want to go with those that consist of the essential oils which include thyme, lavender, and others.

3. Natural aloe vera extracts.

Considered the "wonder plant" aloe vera is a very popular plant for the cure for baldness, especially people who lived in tropical communities. Like a hair tonic, natural aloe vera can be used as a shampoo by using the fresh pulp applied directly to your scalp.

4. Cinnamon and honey as a mixture.

Many people agree that one of the most effective home remedies for hair loss would be the combination of cinnamon powder and honey mixed with organic olive oil, with these ingredients will make the hair as well as the scalp stronger. By making a paste with the ingredients, they can be directly applied to the hair roots on the scalp, and works best if used before the person uses their favorite shampoo.

5. Extracts of ginger.

Another highly effective hair loss remedy would be to slice a piece of ginger and place it on the area being effected by hair loss, since it can aid with the healthy growth of hair. You can also use the same extract with cinnamon powder to obtain ideal results.

Next: For More Free Information And Reviews On Proper Hair Loss Prevention Go Too: Hair Loss Reviews Or Hair Loss Review

Examine Hair Loss - 6 Common Causes additional

A friend of mine called me one day and said "I think I'm getting bald! I'm losing a lot of hair!"

Well, his frightened response is justified. The thought of losing your hair is horrifying, especially if you did not expect it to happen in your mid-twenties. But don't panic! Experts say that hair loss will not necessarily lead to baldness.

Some of the common causes of hair loss include the following:

1. Major Illness or Surgery

You may notice that you are losing hair about 3 or 4 months after a major illness or surgery. This is temporary and is an effect of the stress of the body relative to the illness.

2. Hormonal Problems

Your hair fall may be due to the over activity or under activity or your thyroid gland. Hair loss can happen if the male or female hormones are out of equilibrium in the body. If you can correct the hormone imbalance, you can stop the hair loss.

3. Autoimmune Disease

If you have alopecia areata (defined as an autoimmune disease where the immune system in a person's body attacks its healthy tissues, cells and organs), this can cause your hair loss. It affects 1.7% of the global population. It usually starts as bald round patches on the scalp and can sometimes lead to total hair loss. But usual cases report that the hair grows back in 6 months to 2 years.

4. Post Pregnancy

If you just gave birth to a baby about 3 months ago, you may notice some hair loss. The culprit here is also called hormones. There is a surge in Hormone levels during pregnancy. When the hormone level declines, those hairs will fall out and the normal cycle of hair growth and hair loss will start again. This time it will be for a longer term hair growth.

5. Fungal Infections

You can check with your doctor if you have certain infections that can cause hair loss. These infections can be easily treated with many antifungal medicines.

6. Medication

If you are taking medicines such as blood thinners (anticoagulants), excessive Vitamin A, some birth control pills or antidepressants, you may experience some hair loss. The most known medications to cause hair loss are medicines used to treat cancer. Your hair loss will stop when you discontinue taking the medicine.

Other causes can be improper hair treatments or excessive styling, poor nutrition or Male-Pattern Baldness. This type of hair loss is common among men. It is also called androgenetic alopecia. This condition is caused by a combination of androgens and genetics. Men usually inherit this type of trait. It is typically seen in a receding hair line and hair loss on the top of the head.

Although rare, women may also develop female-pattern baldness. This is a condition where the hair can become thin over the entire scalp. As for my friend's dilemma, I asked him if his father or grandfather was ever bald. And his answer explains it all.

Hair Loss

For more information, please visit Hair Loss Treatment Other hot topics: Hair Science and 5 Effective Hair Loss Solutions.

Hair Loss - 6 Common Causes

Study Hair Loss - Vitamins, Diet and Supplements extra

The more stressful your life, the more important it is that you are taking vitamins, eating a healthy diet and even taking nutrient supplements that will help you in preventing hair loss.

o Vitamin A is an essential vitamin to help you with hair loss and thinning hair. However, be sure to not take more than 25,000 IU daily as it could lead to more hair loss or other severe problems.

o Vitamin C and E are two antioxidants vitamins that are important for keeping your hair, looking fuller and shinier, and scalp healthy.

o Vitamin B2, also known as riboflavin, deficiencies are associated with an increased production of sebum (oil produced by the hair follicles). However, too much B2 and increased sebum production may result in reduced strength of the hair shaft.

o Vitamin B3, niacin - can produce a skin "flush", an uncomfortable feeing, or "hot flash". If you do decide to take this, take the minimum and see how your body reacts first.

o Vitamin B6, pyridoxine hydrochloride - studies have shown B6 to help with healthy hair growth.

o Vitamin B12

o Folic acid is known for its importance in healthy cellular activity, proper cell division, and proper hair growth.

o Biotin - Helps produce keratin, may prevent graying and hair loss.

o Inositol - Keeps hair follicles healthy at the cellular level.

Many of these vitamins are provided by taking a good daily multi-vitamin and from eating a healthy diet.

Adjusting your diet will slow down the loss of hair as many of the vitamins that help you with health hair may be provided by the diet you eat.

o Vitamin C can be found in several vegetables and fruit, especially in citrus fruits. Vitamin E is known to help with circulation in your scalp area. This is found in various beans, as well as oils.

o Sources of B2 come from grains, or breads and cereals, milk and milk products as well as meat, poultry, and fish.

o Niacin (B3) food sources include brewer's yeast, wheat germ, fish, chicken, turkey and meat.

o B6 comes from brewer's yeast, liver, whole grain cereals, vegetables, organ meats and egg yolk.

o Sources of B12 include chicken, fish, eggs and milk.

o Biotin is found in yeast, grains, liver, rice, milk, egg yolk, liver, kidney, soy and barley.

o Foods rich in inositol are whole grains, yeast, liver, citrus fruits, eggs, rice, and milk. With the addition of inositol, you will be able to promote hair growth beneath the scalp and have healthier hair.

...And lastly, supplement such as saw palmetto and zinc are very helpful for those looking for natural ways to help with hair loss

Saw palmetto is a type of fruit that is legendary in helping to solve problems with baldness and prostate health in the U.S. and throughout Europe.

Zinc is best known to effect hair loss when there is an absence of a substantial amount of the nutrient. Zinc deficiency not only produces problems with hair loss, but also with changes in the scalp. The scalp may become too dry or flaky and may often times be irritated because of the lack of nutrients. There are many times where zinc has also shown to be effective in stopping hair from turning gray.

Stopping hair loss and giving yourself a great looking, healthy head, of hair is not that difficult. Making sure that you are getting the vitamins you need, whether from a multi-vitamin or food sources, and even supplementing that with zinc and saw palmetto.

Get the Valuable Information You Need In Your Research of The Vitamins to Prevent Hair Loss

Hair Loss - Vitamins, Diet and Supplements

Hair Loss

Read through Hair Loss - Causes And Treatments extra

Hair loss is the main concern of many youngsters these days and many of them seek many measures to arrest it. While the length, thickness of the hair is attributed to inheritance, hair loss has its own causes and may differ in its profundity.

Hair loss can be caused by any one of these factors:

· Poor maintenance of hair and scalp

· Dandruff

· Climatic conditions

· Health status

· Nutrition

· Stress

Now lets examine how each of these contribute to hair loss:

· Poor maintenance of hair and scalp:

Now this deals with the importance that each person gives to personal hygiene and grooming. Hair and scalp if not properly washed and groomed, can lead to hair loss. The scalp must be cleaned in regular intervals using a mild shampoo. Certain tips must be followed while maintaining those tresses.

The golden rules are:

- Never wring hair after a wash.

- Never comb wet hair.

- Wiping the hair dry gently with a soft towel.

- Using the dryer judiciously (excessive usage may lead to increased hair loss combined with change in texture)

- To remove tangles, the hair must be combed from the bottom to the top.

- The scalp must be ideally lubricated, using hair oil (coconut). This makes combing easier (therefore hair loss is reduced).

- Using a scarf beneath a helmet will also absorb sweat and prevent damage to hair.

- Excessive usage of chemicals such as dyes, colours, sprays, gels, will lead to increased hair loss.

· Dandruff:

This may be due to several reasons and presence of dandruff leads to hair loss. Using anti dandruff shampoos and proper maintenance can control dandruff. However if the problem persists, it is advisable that a dermatologist may be consulted for treatment.

· Climatic changes:

Change in climate may have different effects on hair. Hair loss increases during winter, where hair tips tends to split up. The hair also becomes dry, which turns the hair brittle. Oiling the hair can control this. However, during summer, sweat attracts a lot of dirt, and people who are often exposed to dust pollution, are prone to increased hair loss. Hair needs to be washed more frequently in these cases.

· Health Status:

It is always said that the health of a person is reflected by the health of his hair. Hair loss increases during illnesses such as Typhoid, Cancer, AIDS. Women experience increased hair loss during child labour. When treatments are taken for certain health conditions such as Cancer (Chemotherapy), hair loss is profound and is caused due to the drugs that are consumed.

· Nutrition:

Hair is made up of a protein called Keratin and the growth of hair requires the supply of nutrients and a balanced diet. The diet must ideally consist of lots of proteins and vitamins, which provides the health to the hair. Water must be had aplenty. Popular Grandmother remedies include the use of dates and curry leaves in one's diet, which supplies the necessary iron.

· Stress:

Stress is one of the main culprits of hair loss. Mental tension increases heat in the body, which leads to increased hair loss. One must actually stop fretting about their hair loss, as it will by itself amount to the stress. Relaxing oneself, taking massages, practicing Yoga and meditation will de-stress the body and prevent further damage.

· Miscellaneous:

Prejudice of Nature has subjected men to increased hair loss compared to women. This is why men can be seen with receding hairlines as they age. Baldness is hereditary and cannot be prevented. However, it can be postponed with proper care. However technological developments have thrown up the options of hair transplant and other such treatments. People should not jump at these luring choices and must decide wisely before acting.

For more information on hair loss please go to: hairloss-weblog [http://www.hairloss-weblog.com]

Hair Loss - Causes And Treatments

Hair Loss Treatments

Understand Hair Loss Treatments For Men a lot more

Hair Loss Treatments For Men

Hair Loss Treatments

If you are looking for a hair loss treatment you might be a little confused due to all of the options that you have. Well, there's good news and there's bad news. The bad news is that you actually have a lot less options than you think you have (assuming you only look at scientifically proven to work products). The good news is that these few options do the job. So, what are they?

Propecia pill: In tests, half of men with mild hair loss got some growth in hair and the second half of men (okay, about 40%), experienced no more hair loss.

Rogaine: Not known to be as effective as Propecia, which is why it's is recommended that you use Propecia and Rogaine together. Rather than it being a pill, like Propecia, it comes in liquid form, which you apply to the balding areas.

HairMax Laser Comb: Like Propecia and Rogaine, it is approved by the FDA. Although exactly how much regrowth it will give you is not known, it has been proven to give some results.

Toupe: Essentially, what this is is a glued on wig. Unfortunately, the majority of men say that the hassle of dealing with a toupe outweighs its benefits.

Hair transplant: By far the most expensive hair loss treatment. If you can afford, you can see significant results.

Anything not listed here might very well not be worth buying. Hair loss is one of those industries in which people are desperate to find a cure. As such, you'll see a lot of businesses offering products, which, quite simply, don't work.

Nick has a more detailed look in How to Stop Hair Loss.

Read Best Hair Loss Treatment For Men far more

Finding the best hair loss treatment for men can be quite a difficult task. Losing hair, to many, can be a very embarrassing problem, and it can be very frustrating when the various treatments and products do not appear to be effective in regrowing hair. It's especially frustrating when these products or treatments cost a large sum of money, and yet offer no results.

There are many reasons as to why a man may be losing his hair. Often, it is due to a genetic disorder, but for others, it may be due to something else. Hair loss can be the result of stress, underactive or overactive thyroid, vitamin deficiency, medication, or some other underlying medical issue. Therefore, if you are on the search to find the best hair loss treatment for men, it is a good idea that you first, before anything else, talk to your primary care physician about your troubles with balding. Because losing your hair is not always due to genetic factors, your doctor may need to run a blood test, as well as ask you a number of questions related to your health and lifestyle, to rule out any underlying medical condition. You may find that your problems with losing your hair may be cured simply by popping a pill every day.

Usually, however, the main cause of hair loss is due to the chemical DHT, which prevents the hair follicle from growing hair. Therefore, unless the product or treatment you are using is designed to prevent DHT from effecting the hair follicle, you are unlikely to see major results. Fortunately, there are now medications on the market that work as DHT inhibitors. Too many, this is by far the best hair loss treatment for men. Unfortunately, it only works for a little over half the men who take it, and will stop being effective once medication is ceased.

The truth is that, unfortunately, for most people, there is no cure for hair loss. Truthfully, the best hair loss treatment for men, depending on to whom you're speaking, may be a surgical hair transplant. Because it is very difficult to specifically treat the genetic cause for baldness, for many men, the last resort is surgery. In fact, of all the different surgical treatments available, hair replacement surgery is the number one elective surgery requested by men.

It can be very difficult to find the best hair loss treatment for men; in fact, for some people, it may even seem impossible. There are many ways in which you can treat loss of hair, but it's important to find out the cause of your losing your hair before you try any treatments. If your loss of hair is caused by DHT, then you will need a product that works as a DHT inhibitor. For people's whose hair loss is not resolved by these products, hair replacement surgery may be necessary.

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Best Hair Loss Treatment For Men

Examine Hair Loss Treatment far more

Hair Loss Treatment

Hair Loss Treatments

Some men don't think that hair loss treatments are a subject worthy of their attention; that is, until they start seeing more hair in the sink, or in the tub, than they see on their head. It is estimated that nearly thirty percent of all people suffering from hair loss or hair loss symptoms and in need of treatments are indeed women. There are a variety of reasons and for a woman it can be devastating but in most cases hair loss treatments are very effective. Traditional herbs that are useful as natural treatments are green tea, liquorice extract, horsetail, ginger, psoralea seeds, apple cider vinegar, rosemary and sage tea. Provillus treatments are clinically proven to re-grow hair and use the only FDA approved ingredients for treating thinning hair.

If you are genetically or hormonally set on the path of losing hair, nutrition alone might not be enough to prevent it, but it will slow down the hair loss, and will also help with regrowth of lost hair. If you are looking for the best hair regrowth products, always remember to use treatments that contain active ingredients that are known to be effective in treating hair loss. For most men suffering from Alopecia Areata, or male pattern baldness, 5% Minoxidil is usually required to achieve satisfactory hair regrowth. There is no need for women to use the Saw Palmetto with the Hair Regrowth Solution as your requirements are different to men. Provillus provides the best results in treatment of hereditary hair thinning and hair loss both in men and women ensuring them with thick and luxurious hair.

If you've decided you need to do something to reverse hair loss, but you want something cheaper and more natural than drugs, laser treatments, plugs, or transplants, what are your alternatives. Male hair loss treatments are available as topical applications like minoxidil, which is applied on the scalp. Another of the better-known herbal treatment is green tea, which you may also have sitting in you kitchen.

The first thing doctors do when dealing with hair loss treatments is to try and figure out the possible reasons behind a patient's hair loss problem and recommend treatments based on their hair texture and condition. Normally the treatments recommended by doctors for men and women are different because of hair growth. It is observed that Proscar and Rogaine are the most commonly prescribed hair loss treatments by doctors for men whereas Minoxodil proves to be helpful for both men and women. The only FDA-approved commercial hair loss treatments are minoxidil and finasteride, and these products have limited effectiveness. Natural treatments don't have an immediate effect but they don't have side effects either.

Hair loss treatments are generally classified as either medical or oral and topical treatments. Once you have determined what the cause or causes are of your hair loss problem, you are then able to move on and make the most informed decision in terms of which hair loss treatments are going to be most suitable for you. Provillus Hair Regrowth Solution is a healthy supplement based on only natural FDA-approved ingredients which helps men and women with specific hair ailments like thinning or hair loss.

Paul Rodgers specializes in marketing online fitness, diets, health and beauty products and services.

You are invited to visit hairdefenderplus.com/us.php [http://hairdefenderplus.com/Hair_Loss_Treatment.html]

Read Hair Loss and High Sex Drive extra

Male Pattern Baldness or Hair Loss has been shown to be associated with high levels of testosterone in the body; specifically DHT or "Dihydrotestosterone". This has led to the suggestion that all men with a receding hairline also have high sex drive. Not necessarily, but not totally untrue either.

What causes hair loss?

What causes hair loss? The chances for male pattern baldness to develop ranges from 23 to 87 percent in men and DHT related hair loss is only one of the causes for male pattern baldness. Environmental factors such as poor nutrition, infection and stress can also bring about the onset of hair losses.

In balding men with high levels of DHT, their hair follicles becomes hyper sensitive to DHT and over a period of time (anywhere from 5 to 25 years), their hair starts to thin as the hair follicles shrinks. Without treatment, eventually the thinning hair will fall off.

Asking a doctor

If you ask a doctor, most of them will tell you that bald men do not have high sex drive. But what they are not telling you is that men with high sex drive and hence high testosterone have higher chances for male pattern baldness. Bald men may not necessary have a high sex drive but having high levels of testosterone can lead to hair loss. So should we be worried if we are a very virile male? No, unless you have a family history of males in the family with male pattern baldness or if you have already started to noticed falling clumps of hair.

What can you do?

Male pattern baldness will affect majority of men at some stage in their lives. To halt hair loss and increase your chances for hair to grow back, seek treatment early. Without affecting your sex life, it is possible to stop hair loss today.

There are several options available to halt hair loss. One recommended solution for initial onset of hair loss is Rogaine. It is an over-the-counter medication approved by FDA for the treatment of hair loss, caused by DHT. It is a liquid that you can rub into your scalp to regrow hair and to prevent further loss. Unlike other medication, users of Rogaine did not experienced any drop in their sex drive. So next time someone passed a remark about your receding hairline, let them know that women have found you to be sexier this way. Losing your hair may not be the best way of improving your sex life, but if hair loss is a reflection of one's sex life, at least you know that despite your hair loss, you are still getting it.

Hair Loss

Adam Able is a trained Health Coach and a certified Nutritionist. He currently resides in Orlando, Florida and can be reached at his Men's Health Blog [http://www.ableadam.com] or you can email him at ableadam13@gmail.com

Hair Loss and High Sex Drive

Examine Biological Side Effects of Hair Loss Treatments much more

Biological Side Effects of Hair Loss Treatments

Hair Loss Treatments

Hair Loss Treatments

Many hair loss treatments have been created so far. It is a common knowledge that men are the ones most affected by this issue. However, the same condition can be observed on women too. Experts say that it can be hereditary, which means the problem runs through your bloodline. Yet factors like lifestyle, diet, environment, grooming practices, smoking, and drinking can all cause hair fall.

Treatments for balding are made more and more accessible these days. You simply have to look for the right one for you. But before you make the choice, try to learn all about the side effects of that product or treatments that you want to use. Some side-effects are too disconcerting that you must think twice about using them. Like for example, if it can reduce your certain biological abilities. If they can harm your skin or make a direct negative impact on your health, avoid them. Learning about the kinds of problems that can be caused your choice of a hair loss treatment is very important. By knowing beforehand, you keep yourself safe.

The side effects of massive hair fall can be classified either as major or minor. Minor issues are somewhat tolerable and are the price that you have to pay for growing your hair back again. Examples are itching, redness, or the irritation of the scalp. However, if the side-effect is so severe that it impairs your physical abilities, you must think twice about continuing the use of that product. There are certain skin diseases, internal organ damage, and sexual dysfunction brought about by some hair loss treatments. If any of these are going to happen to you, it is better to grow bald.

On the other hand, the use of natural hair loss shampoo is highly encouraged. These products have little to no side effects and are perfectly safe to use everyday. Find out the hair growth shampoo that best fits you so you don't have to worry about side effects at all.

Roger Peters researches, reviews, and examines hair loss conditions in both men and women. He checks and recommends the hair growth shampoo that was proven to work optimally on thinning hair. He delivers information about the best hair loss shampoo in the market.

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Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Various individuals, especially women, are treating their hair as their crowning glory. They pay extra attention to the health of their hair. They always make sure that it healthy and well taken care of. Some individuals even pay a great amount of money to have the best hair treatment that they can receive. Having a healthy hair enables individuals to have more self-confidence and self-esteem. However, due to various factors, some individuals experience hair loss.

Normally, every individual can lose up to 100 strands of hair every day. However, individuals who are suffering from excessive hair loss that are already resulting to bald patches may be suffering from hair loss. Losing Hair can be attributed to several factors including genetics and medical conditions. Individuals whose family has a history of hair loss are more likely to have the condition as well. Moreover, imbalances in sex hormones can also result to temporary hair loss. Medical conditions such as scalp infection and thyroid problems are also being linked to hair loss.

There are several types of hair conditions that an individual can experience. Androgenic alopecia is a type of hair loss that is characterized by the loss or thinning of hair in the crown of the head. Meanwhile, alopecia areata is a condition that usually occurs when the hair follicles are attacked by the immune system of the body. Traction alopecia happens when the hair follicles are damaged due to high tension in the hair. This condition is commonly experience by those who always wear tight braids.

Losing hair can affect the psychological well-being of those who are suffering from it. It can lower the self-esteem of an individual. It also affects the perception of women towards beauty. Having a hair condition can make women feel less attractive and less desirable. Some individuals who are not able to handle this condition tend to suffer form shame, stress, and denial. In some cases, individuals may develop social phobia, mood disorders, and depression.

Fortunately, there are already several treatment options available for hair conditions. Dermatologist often recommends minoxidil, which aims to stimulate the growth of hair. Laser-operated devices such as combs and brushes are also effective in stimulating hair growth. Corticosteroid and finasteride are some of the prescribed medications for hair conditions. Aside from medications, hair loss can also be treated to various medical procedures including hair transplantation, scalp expansion, and scalp reduction.

Hair should be properly taken care of as it plays an important role in the overall appearance of an individual. When suffering from a type of alopecia, it is important that individuals identify its causes first before considering any treatment. For safety purposes, individuals should seek the help of a dermatologist about the right treatment for their condition.

If you need to seek more help and advice on hair loss I recommend visiting the link below. http://www.treatmyhair.com/

Examine Prescription Drugs for Hair Loss Treatment extra

Hair Loss Treatments

Millions of men and women suffer from hair loss. Hair loss is more common to men than to women, however. Not only does it make men look older beyond their actual age, it also negatively impacts their self esteem and social confidence. Fortunately, there are many options for male hair loss treatment.

Most of hair loss treatments are cosmetic in natural. Those treatments make the patients look better as if they have healthy hairs. Cosmetic treatments include hairpieces, weaves and surgical methods for permanent effects. Today's hairpieces either made by real hair or synthetic hair look so real, that no one can tell. Many people don't realize how advanced some of these pieces have become. Many hairpieces have new netting that allows the hair to flow naturally and look like your original hair. There are also plenty of new adhesives so you don't have to worry about your hair ever being removed even in a tornado. Other cosmetic options are cosmetically based lotions, shampoos and herbal supplements.

Medical scientists have been researching and testing solutions that help to slow down hair loss or actually to regrow hairs. Rogaine and Propecia are commonly used medicines for male hair loss treatment. Both of them are approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Rogaine is available over the counter. It has been proven effective by the Federal Drug Administration for slowing down hair loss and regrowing back your hair. Minoxodil is the active ingredient in Rogaine. Rogaine is a topical solution that is applied twice daily to the scalp. Romaine is effective for both slowing hair loss but regrowing hair. Regrowing will normally takes a few months and results are more often seen on the crown of the scalp. Rogaine is for genetic hair loss only, not effective for hair loss due to another disease or ailment. You must also be over the age of 18 in order to use this product. Rogaine actually works on women as well.

Propecia, which requires a prescription from a doctor, is another drug effective for male hair loss treatment. It helps treat hair loss by lowering chemicals levels in the body that decrease the growth of hair. Unlike Rogaine, Propecia is not a drug specifically designed for male hair loss treatment. It is actually a drug to shrink the prostate, but was shown effective in controlling the hormones that cause hair loss. Surprisingly, this drug has been proven to work better then Minoxodil in regrowing hair back. It also grows hair back on the front of the scalp as well.

While both drugs won't help hair loss patients grow back a full head of hair, they do slow down the hair loss and can fill up some of the more pronounced areas.

Natalie Aranda writes on health, beauty and hairstyles [http://www.beautyinn.info/Hairstyles-1/]. Medical scientists have been researching and testing solutions that help to slow down hair loss or actually to regrow hairs. Rogaine and Propecia are commonly used medicines for male hair loss treatment. Both of them are approved by Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Prescription Drugs for Hair Loss Treatment

Read through Hair Loss Treatment For Thinning Hair far more

Hair Loss Treatments

Hair loss treatment is a necessary evil, because continuous loss of hair is definitely a shocking factor for both sexes. The pathetic situation is that many individuals fail to identify the cause of hair fall. Some people just ignore it under the assumption that it is due to age factor while few people delve deep into this matter in order to identify the cause of the problem. It is advisable for individuals to come into the second category. If an individual loses hair to a greater extent, then this problem is called as alopecia.

The most common type of alopecia is termed as androgenic alopecia and the main cause for this problem is due to genetic factors and hormone imbalance. In androgenic alopecia an enzyme termed as "5 alpha -reductase type 2" transforms testosterone into dihydrotestosterone to a maximum level. Due to the over production of DHT the hair follicles are affected to a greater extent. If the DHT is not hindered, then it may result in thinning of hair and baldness.

The following are the possible hair loss treatments suggested by experts:

To prevent it the best hair loss treatment to be followed is to re-grow the hair, block DHT or to do both. In the past Minoxidil was used mostly to reduce hypertension and blood pressure. But accidentally researchers were able to find out that it has the power to increase the growth of hair. They have also found out that Minoxidil promotes the growth of hair by 20 to 40% but the real benefit from this is that it slows down the loss of hair by 90%.

Minoxidil is taken topically whereas Propecia is taken orally and it has been exclusively prescribed for an individual suffering due to androgenic alopecia. It has also been proved that it is highly effective in blocking the enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT. It slows down the process of balding, but it is not that effective when used by old men.

The most important thing is that the cause of this entire problem must be identified. If the hair loss increases, then the effect of treatment may get reduced. All the hair loss treatments may not be suitable for all people. So the individual must not get disappointed if that particular treatment does not work out. He must boldly and immediately choose another treatment that may be highly effective to solve his problem.

The best hair loss treatment at this moment are natural hair growth supplements containing Biotin and Vitamin B6.

If you're really serious about fighting your hair loss. Click Here right now!

Or watch a free video about a new Natural Hair Loss remedy [http://www.hairlossundone.com].

Hair Loss Treatment For Thinning Hair

Go through Hair Loss Treatments and Possible Side Effects far more

Having a condition like baldness is probably the most devastating phenomenon an individual could ever encounter. Being bald maybe beautiful to some but apparently not to all people or hair loss treatments would not be advertised and displayed in countless stores worldwide. There are over 50 percent of the male population will imminently endure genetic balding or commonly known as male pattern baldness when they reach the age of 50.

Dihydrotestosterone or DHT is the main culprit of hair loss in majority of men. DHT is a derivative or by-product of the hormone testosterone which converts into a much stronger hormone dihydrotestosterone with the aid of the 5 alpha reductase enzymes. DHT is a chemical proven to cause damage and kills the hair follicles, which results to permanent pattern baldness. Hair loss in men is totally distinctive. One can easily tell if a man is experiencing androgenic alopecia (male pattern baldness) if he or she sees patterns on the head.

The onset of this certain type of hair loss in men generally starts with a thinning hair that will progressively turns into a receding hairline and a bald spot on the crown area of the head. The receding hairline normally occurs at the front, affecting above both temples. The pattern typically resembles the "M" or the horseshoe shape. Hair loss treatments for male pattern baldness are massively available in different salons, pharmacies, and hair care clinics today.

One of the well recognized treatments used to battle androgenic alopecia is the minoxidil topical solution. Minoxidil has the ability to slow down the hair loss process. It comes in a topical solution with different concentrations such as the 5 and 2 percent. Minoxidil expands small blood vessels in the scalp and is quite efficient in stimulating hair regrowth by improving cell proliferation which is the growth and production of cells by multiplication of parts. Minoxidil needs to be applied directly on the affected thinning or balding areas of the scalp twice daily for hair gained to be maintained. Known side effects of this treatment are itching, swelling and redness on the site.

Another mode of defense in battling hair loss is by taking the drug finasteride. Finasteride is an orally administered medication designed to work as an androgen antagonist. This drug specifically works in obstructing the activity of androgens at the receptor sites. Finasteride inhibits type II 5-alpha reductase enzyme, the enzyme that is proven to convert the hormone testosterone into a stronger androgen hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Finasteride is one of the most sought-after hair loss treatments available in the hair loss market, but others reported that they have encountered sexual side effects from taking this drug. Prevalent side effects include erectile dysfunction, abnormal ejaculation including decreased sperm count, testicular pains, and decreased sex drive.

Hair Loss Treatments
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Hair Loss Treatments and Possible Side Effects

Study Hair Loss - Onion Treatment For Hair Loss far more

Onion is a popular folk remedy for hair loss. It is a tried and tested product, having been used for centuries not only for its potent hair strengthening properties, but also for other medicinal purposes. In fact, physicians in the Middle Ages prescribed onions to counteract snake bites, earaches, headaches, and hair loss.

High Sulfur Content of Onion

Onion is useful against hair loss because of its high sulfur content. Sulfur is known as the "healing mineral" since it has the ability to stimulate blood circulation and reduce skin inflammation. It is also called the "beauty mineral" because it is vital in the development of collagen, which is the major protein in our skin that gives it durability and smoothness. It also keeps our hair and nails in top condition. These properties of sulfur thus mean that the right amount of sulfur levels in our body can aid in reducing hair loss and encouraging hair regrowth.

To spot sulfur deficiency, watch out for dry skin, weak nails, and brittle hair. Other signs may include allergies, unusual fatigue, headaches, diabetes, and sore muscles and joints. If we do not maintain a proper diet, then chances are our body is not getting enough sulfur that it needs. As a matter of fact, scientists believe that chemical pesticides and fertilizers exhaust the soil of sulfur and this affects the sulfur content of plants being grown in that soil. Moreover, processed foods have been found to contain smaller amounts of sulfur because the mineral has been destroyed in the process. Sulfur cannot be manufactured by the human body, so it must be gotten through other ways, such as eating sulfur-rich foods and taking supplements.

Apply Onion Directly on Scalp

For hair loss sufferers, the easiest and cheapest way to benefit from the hair strengthening qualities of sulfur is through the application of onion extract directly on the scalp. A study published in June 2002 in the Journal of Dermatology talks about the efficacy of topical onion extract against alopecia areata, better known as hair loss. As much as 73% of the persons who used onion juice experienced some form of hair regrowth. The variations of treatments that were used in the experiment are the following:

(1) Chop a medium-sized onion into small pieces and add it to one cup of rum. Let it sit for 24 hours. Strain the mixture using a sieve and massage the remaining liquid solution onto your scalp.
(2) Mix half a cup of chopped onions and half a cup of dried stinging nettle. Add enough vodka to cover the onions and nettle. Let the mixture sit for a few days. Strain the mixture using a sieve and apply the liquid to your scalp.
(3) Mix a quarter cup of onion juice with a tablespoon of raw honey. Massage this mixture onto your scalp daily.

Other Onion Treatments

Other onion treatments recommended by alternative medicine experts include rubbing a slice of onion directly against the scalp before applying honey over it. This should be done twice a day. Another example of a remedy is in the form of a hair rinse. Put 2 ½ cups of brown onion skins in a quart of boiled water and let it sit for 50 minutes. Wash and shampoo your hair as usual, then dry it with a towel. Rinse it several times with the onion skin mixture before washing it off with water.

Hair Loss
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Hair Loss - Onion Treatment For Hair Loss

Read Treatment for Thinning Hair - Modern and Traditional Treatments for Hair Loss extra

Treatment for Thinning Hair - Modern and Traditional Treatments for Hair Loss

Hair Loss Treatments

Hair Loss Treatments

Baldness is an age old problem. For many years, people have been looking for ways to prevent baldness and even cure it. In fact, some people can even go to great lengths just to stop hair loss. Some even try out some old wives tales just to prevent balding or the thinning of hair. Today, thanks to modern technology, there are now quite a lot of treatments for thinning hair.

First of all, you need to consider the fact that hair will thin out as we age. It's only natural for people to lose hair. In fact, even if you are still young, you are already starting to lose hair at a rate of about a hundred strands each day. However, you need to remember that the hairs that fall off will eventually be replaced by a new batch of hair. The only problem is, as you grow older, a chemical in the body which is the byproduct of testosterone called DHT increases. DHT is has been found to be responsible for thinning hair as it will stop the hair follicles to grow hair efficiently.

Hair loss caused by DHT can be treated with the available hair loss products available today. In fact, there are even herbal remedies that can inhibit the DHT and can promote hair growth. Basically, it is up to you to choose what type of hair loss prevention treatment you like. You may want to try the herbal remedies first as it is not only proven to be effective, but it is also very safe and doesn't have any known harmful side effects. Modern medicines are also very effective in inhibiting DHT. In fact, in a few months, you will notice that your hair will thicken.

Aside from DHT, you need to remember that there are other factors that can contribute to thinning hair or hair loss. One factor is stress. Research has found that severe stress can cause a lot of hair to fall off. To treat this, you can try aromatherapy. It is a known fact that aromatherapy will be able to get rid of the stress you have and can really provide you with a great way to grow new hair.

The oils in aromatherapy are known for its relaxing scent. However, not many people know that the oils used in aromatherapy are also very good in stimulating the hair follicles which can promote hair growth.

If there are no more conservative treatments available that works for you, you can always try hair transplant. Here, you will undergo a minor operation where hair will be taken out from the parts of your head that still has thick growth of hair and transplants each strand to the thinning area on your head. Although this may sound uncomfortable, the success rate of this treatment is very high.

Many people who went through hair transplant treatment have stated that it's like having new hair on their head again and they also state that it's very effective. It may take several sessions in order to get all your head covered with hair again, but if you really want to stop hair loss and grow new hair, hair transplant treatment is well worth it.

These are the different treatments for thinning hair. So, whatever methods you choose, always remember that the best method is one that works for you and one that you are comfortable with.

John Tulley manages the Provillus Alpha7: treatment for thinning hair web site. Our web site has more detailed advice and information about hair loss treatment for men.

Understand Loss of Hair - What Are the Sudden Causes of Hair Loss? extra

A sudden loss of hair should be reported to your doctor, as it could be a symptom of an underlying medical problem. A gradual thinning that occurs over time in a pattern, around the central portion of the scalp and the vertex or crown of the head, is more common. Usually, the underlying cause is heredity or genetics, but it is still possible to stop the process and reverse it.

When hair loss occurs suddenly or seems to be concentrated in patches at the sides or back, not the top of the head, nutritional deficiency is one of the common causes. Lack of nutrients or poor diet plays a role in hereditary baldness, too. It's not impossible to get all of the nutrients that you need every day from food, alone, but it is very difficult, particularly as you get older.

Doctors will often check blood levels of iron, magnesium and zinc, while checking for hormonal levels and thyroid problems. If you are already on certain medications, additional testing may not be necessary. Many different drugs can cause loss of hair, including anti-coagulants like warfarin, retinoids, acne and wrinkle treatments, amphetamines, antidepressants, blood pressure medications and even prolonged use of aspirin.

Exposure to heavy metals is a less common cause, but something to be aware of, particularly among people that eat a log of fish. The USGS recently reported finding mercury in every species of fish tested in lakes, streams and rivers around the US. Levels are pretty high in the Atlantic Ocean, too. Doctors have found some cases difficult to diagnose, until the person's intake of fish was noted.

In cases of heavy metal poisoning, hormonal imbalances and serious nutritional deficiencies, loss of hair will not be the only symptom. In the case of minor, chronic nutrient deficits in the diet, which are more common, fatigue is usually noted. But, sometimes it seems that everyone is tired these days.

That brings us to stress, which contributes to and complicates all kinds of diseases. You should aim to reduce the stress in your life, not to get your hair back, but just to be healthier.

Assuming that there is no underlying medical condition or drug at the "root" of the problem, the best way to treat it is with a combination of nutrients, plant extracts and topically applied Minoxidil. Minoxidil was originally marketed as Rogaine for the loss of hair.

It is only one of two treatments that are approved by the US FDA. The other is an oral drug for men, but it is accompanied by unwanted side effects. Minoxidil and nutritional supplements are available without a prescription and the only side effects are good ones.

If you're like most people, you simply want to like to look at yourself in the mirror, again. In the majority of cases, Minoxidil works, but it works for more people when combined with appropriate nutritional therapy.

Research indicates that it is easier to stop and prevent the loss of hair than it is to reverse it. So, start your treatment plan, today, before the problem gets worse.

Discover the best way to combat the causes of sudden hair loss today.

Bill Wagner is a dedicated researcher of hair loss issues that affect both men and women. Take a moment to visit his site now to learn about a new natural hair loss remedy that Bill recently discoverd and how it contrasts with other common hair loss treatment options at: www.thinning-hair-cure.com

Loss of Hair - What Are the Sudden Causes of Hair Loss?

Hair Loss

Go through Hair Loss Laser Treatments far more

Lasers have been emerging as a potentially effective technology in the world of science especially in medicine. One of the most important and widely accepted applications of lasers in the medical technologies is its use to treat. The use of lasers to treat hair loss has proven to be the most remarkable treatment of the problem.

The most recent among the laser technologies is the hair restoration treatment. This has shown the maximum effectiveness when used in conjunction with the control drugs such Propecia and Rogaine, which has proven to be the most remarkable treatment of the problem. These drugs can be purchased from all drug stores and by online pharmacies.Many people who have been treated with this method have shown to stop hair loss as well as grow thicker and healthier. But these treatments are prone to differences in person's individual needs.

Below is a list of the different types of restoration systems that are designed to stop hair loss. During a consultation, a hair loss specialist can help determine the system best suited to the patient's individual needs.There are different types of hair restoration systems in this regard. The variety of these systems helps the hair loss specialist to determine the type of system for each of the persons that require the treatment according to best suited system for the individual person's hairs.

Laser Luce LDS 100

The Laser Luce LDS 100 is the new approach to restore hairs by lasers. This is a very effective laser treatment system for hair loss that is observed to have growth stimulation in the resting phase of 70% of hairs. This is due to an increase in the blood flow to the hair follicles in the scalp. These then become able to absorb more and more of the nutrients thus the hairs can grow healthier. This therapy includes a dome shaped apparatus lined with flashing low energy laser lights along the interior beneath which the patient sits. Here the light is absorbed by the skin, where it stimulates the blood flow and supply to the scalp especially the deeper tissues of the scalp are also affected. But this requires a series of laser treatment sessions for the best results.

The therapy with this system or any other one is more frequently combined with the used along with the other effective hair loss remedies including topical medications such as Propecia and Rogaine, the most commonly available hair loss treatments that are easily available on pharmacies and that are supplied through online pharmacies. These treatments are the best approach that has demonstrated to be far superior treatments with the superior results that involve non surgical therapy.

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Hair Loss Laser Treatments

Read Hair Loss in Women - Causes, Diagnosis and Treatments additional

Hair Loss in Women - Causes, Diagnosis and Treatments

Hair Loss Treatments

Hair Loss Treatments

Until recently, the problem of hair loss in women was believed to be uncommon. Recent research, though, has revealed that it is far more widespread than previously thought. Some estimates say as many as 25 million American women (or more) experience noticeable hair loss and the distressing effects that often go along with it. Female hair loss causes are somewhat different than those typically found in men, and the emotional effects can be quite different as well.

Appearance of Hair Loss in Women

The appearance of hair loss in most females is usually different from its appearance in men. Women usually do not go bald or partially bald, and they generally do not have bald spots on the crown of the head. In women, hair loss typically shows up as overall thinning of the hair, both the quantity of hair on the head and the thickness of each individual hair. Some women do have a receding hairline, but rarely as pronounced and noticeable as what many men experience.

Emotional Effects of Hair Loss in Women

A woman's self esteem and sense of self are typically much more dependent on the way they look than is generally the case for men. Of course, men find it distressing to lose their hair, but for females the emotional effects can be particularly devastating.

When you think of how much money and effort goes into advertising women's hair care products, styling products, cosmetics and hair care appliances such as blow dryers and curling irons, it is easy to understand why women find it so distressing to experience hair loss. Our society places so much emphasis on looks, especially for women, that female hair loss can lead to a great deal of emotional pain, anxiety, and even trigger episodes of depression.

Medical Causes of Hair Loss in Women

The most common female hair loss causes are related to medical conditions and hormonal changes. While many are similar to those experienced by men, many more are specific to women.

Hormones - Women experience far more hormonal issues than men do, and at a much greater frequency. Pregnancy, childbirth and menopause are all conditions unique to women that can affect the amount and permanence of hair loss and cause balding.

Medication - Several medications can cause or contribute to female hair loss, including anti-depressants, blood thinners, birth control pills, anti-cholesterol drugs and chemotherapy drugs.

Illness/Surgery - Many common illnesses can cause female hair loss, such as diabetes and thyroid over- or under-activity, as can conditions that put the body under stress such as high fevers or major surgery.

Other Causes - Anemia, anorexia, bulimia, excess vitamin A, fungal infections, and zinc or fatty acid deficiency can also be the cause of hair loss in women.

Genetic Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Female pattern baldness, or androgenetic alopecia, is estimated to occur in 15% or less of American women. The chemical process in the body is similar, in that hormones and dehydrotestosterone (DHT) combine to cause hair follicles to shut down. Even though the chemical process is the same, the appearance of the hair loss in females is generally different, with women experiencing general thinning of hair rather than the bald spots or pronounced receding hairline so common in men.

Some experts theorize that differences in hair follicles between males and females may contribute to differences in the appearance of hair loss. In men, hair tends to grow straight up out of the follicle, causing oil and other secretions on the scalp to build up and block follicles. In women, however, hair tends to grow out of the follicle at an angle, allowing oil and secretions to flow more readily out of the follicle.

Everyday Causes of Hair Loss in Women

Women subject their hair to many everyday stresses that can lead to hair damage and hair loss. A few such female hair loss causes include:

o Harsh shampoos
o Hair coloring
o Hair bleaching
o Permanent waves
o Frequent use of blow dryers, curling irons and other heated appliances
o Improper or harsh brushing and/or combing
o Frequent wearing of tight ponytails, braids, and other hair restraints

While these things generally do not cause immediate or permanent hair loss in females, they do often lead to dry, damaged hair that is more likely to break off and thus appear thinner and more brittle. In women whose hair is already thin due to hormonal changes that come with aging, actions such as these can have a large impact on hair appearance.

Proper Diagnosis

Women experiencing hair loss should consult their doctor for an accurate diagnosis of what is causing them to lose hair. In the case of an undiagnosed condition such as diabetes or thyroid problems, treating the medical condition can often stop and even reverse hair loss problems. If the doctor finds that hormonal issues related to menopause and aging are the cause, then he or she is the best resource for information and advice on effective female hair loss solutions.

Topical Hair Loss Treatment

There is only one topical female hair loss treatment approved by the FDA for use by women - minoxidil. This medication is marketed under the name Rogaine and is readily available over the counter in most drug stores, grocery stores, and online.

Rogaine is effective at restoring hair growth and decreasing the appearance of thinning hair in women, but it often takes several months for results to become noticeable in most females. It is quite easy and convenient to apply in the privacy of home, but must be continued indefinitely in order to maintain hair regrowth. If Rogaine use is discontinued, any hair that has regrown will be lost once again.

Surgical Hair Restoration

Surgical hair loss treatments such as hair grafting are quite effective for male pattern baldness, but because the nature of hair loss is different in women, females are generally not good candidates for such treatment. Hair grafting is a process of harvesting hair from actively growing parts of the head and transplanting them to areas of thinning and dormant growth. Because females tend to lose their hair all over the head instead of in a concentrated location, grafting does not usually have much effect. For those women who do have definite balding spots or patches, though, surgical treatment may be an option. It is best to consult an experienced hair restoration surgeon who will diagnose the cause and suggest a suitable solution.

Julie-Ann Amos is a freelance writer for Hair-Loss-Adviser.com, a consumer guide to hair loss in women and male pattern baldness. She has researched numerous products to find the best hair loss treatment.

Copyright 2006 Hair-Loss-Adviser.com Permission is granted to publish this article on your site if the author's byline is included and all links are hyperlinked

Read Why Do People Suffer From Hair Loss? far more

You do not usually end life with the same bunch of hair
that you grew up with when you were born. Unlike the eyes
or nose, your hair keeps regenerating, shedding and

As you turn older, you start experiencing hair loss. This
natural process of ageing starts when you turn 50. However,
for some people the process starts much earlier. This
article examines the various causes of hair loss in men and

#1 Stress and Lifestyle

The fast and hurried lifestyles of today make many
compromises on your diet. Emotional upheavals can cause
health complications that have an adverse impact on the
quality of your hair. Lack of cleanliness of the scalp and
excessive dandruff problems can also cause hair loss.

#2 Hormonal imbalances

Hair growth and health depends on hormones such as thyroid
and pituitary glands. Any disorders in these glands can
cause hair loss. The excessive presence of a component of
the male hormone - DHT can also cause hair loss. This is a
genetic predisposition.

#3 Genetic factors

Inherited causes of hair loss effect the unlucky that have
a family history of premature balding. In men, it is called
Male Pattern Baldness, in which the hair starts receding
first at the temples in a classic 'M' shape. In women, it
is called Female Pattern Baldness. This is less common. It
starts at age 30 and is characterized by overall thinning
of hair.

#4 Side effects

Certain drugs taken for other purposes can cause hair loss
as a side effect. The following is a possible list of
medicines and drugs that could cause hair loss.

Cholesterol-lowering drugs

Ulcer drugs


Agents for gout

Drugs derived from Vitamin A

Anticonvulsants taken for epilepsy


Blood thinners

Anabolic steroids

Chemotherapy Drugs

However, not all prescription drugs under these categories
have hair loss as a side effect. This has to be checked
with the doctor.

#5 Other factors

Research is being continuously conducted on the causes and
solutions for hair loss. Recently, Japanese scientists
concluded from studies that excessive sebum could clog the
hair roots and cause hair loss. An excessive intake of some
nutrients such as Vitamins A and E can actually promote
hair loss.

There is no dearth of solutions, prescriptions and
treatments available for hair loss. Every once in a while,
a new 'wonder' drug such as Rogaine will enter the market.
Not every solution will cure hair loss. The correct
diagnosis has to be made before deciding on a course of
action for hair loss.

Hair Loss

Find out what causes hair loss, and discover latest techniques and ideas for effective hair loss treatment. For lots of valuable information and articles, click [http://www.hair-loss-treatment-101.com]

Why Do People Suffer From Hair Loss?

Hair Loss

Understand Teen Hair Loss - Mom, I'm Losing My Hair! a lot more

Teen Hair Loss - Mom, I'm Losing My Hair!

Hair Loss

Hair Loss

Hair loss is usually the last concern of any female teen. Although sometimes teenagers experience losing their hair too. In this case, it may be a sign that something may be wrong. You have to calm yourself though since, this is not much of a life and death situation.

So let us talk about our crowning glory: the hair. It is composed of keratin which is a type of protein in our body. The hair is made up of a hair shaft, the root and the follicle. At the deeper end is the hair bulb, where the hair's color pigment- melanin is produced.

Statistics tell us that baldness strikes 40% of men by their thirties. And more than 65% of them will have the "monk" type of haircut or the typical set where the hair is only at the back of the head and around the temples and bald on top - by age 75. It is a known fact that baldness strikes so much fear in men because this is a sign that the aging process is already starting. Age, as we know is something we hate but yet can not do something about its coming.

However when you are losing your hair during your adolescence phase, it can be more stressful. Why does it have to happen during a time when appearance is all that matters? It can be devastating to self-esteem and confidence too.

In our head, it is normal to lose about 50 to 100 hairs a day. No need to worry because these hairs are replaced in the same spot. If your teenager is losing more than that, it is indeed time to be alarmed. It is a good idea to go to a doctor to determine the cause of the problem. Your doctor can suggest some treatment to correct these using modern methods.

Teen hair loss may be due to sickness or poor nutrition. Strong medications or medical treatment can also cause teens to lose their hair. Some improper hair care should be avoided. Lathering on too much hair gels and creams can cause the hair roots to weaken and break easily.

Listen up guys! Making your hair stand up like a cathedral and being "hip and cool" do have its own disadvantage. And hear me out girls! If you wear a hairstyle that pulls on the hair so tightly like braids or ponytails, you can damage the hair follicles and will prevent or slow down the growth of healthy hair. So I suggest you let your hair breathe once in a while. Do not tie it up and punish it everyday.

At times, stress can cause hair loss in teenagers. They might be going through a difficult time at school, probably thinking about problems in their class subjects or handling peer pressure. It is best to talk to your parents or teachers to find out how you can relieve your negative stress.

Although there are studies that say balding is usually extensive if it starts in the teen years, the good news is that some research claims that it is often temporary. Once the cause of the problem is corrected, hair will usually grow back.

For more information, please visit Hair Loss Product. Other hot topics: Type of Hair Loss and How To Find Your Perfect Hair Loss Treatment Products.

Go through Hair Loss - My Hair is Gone, Was it My Hat That Caused It? extra

Everyone knows when you get older, you might lose your hair. What happens if you are not old and you start losing it? Hair loss affects men and women, as well as children of any age. You may be asking, what caused my hair to fall out? Was it my diet, heredity, too much sun or could it have been that I wear a hat? There are many opinions on this subject, some truthful, and some just myths.

Okay, so you have to wear a hat for your job or sport. Maybe it is just to cover those thinning or bald spots to keep you from being embarrassed. Is this just adding to the problem? Could this make it fall out faster? Will your hat just plainly make you go bald? Let us find out the truth.

First let us revel what can cause hair loss? Here are a few reasons your hair can start to thin or fall out that can be associated with the wearing of hats.

The lack of oxygen to the root. Yes, it is true; a hat or head protection can be worn too tightly, cutting off the oxygen supply to the hair root. Make sure when wearing a hat to wear it loosely giving your roots more opportunity to receive their oxygen supply.
The lack of blood flow to the follicle. Here again, a hat or head protection worn too tightly can cause the flow of blood to the hair follicle to be cut off. Make sure you wear your hat only tight enough to keep it on your head, but loose enough to aid in the flow of blood supply to the follicles.
Blocked or pulled hair follicles. Hair follicles can become blocked from an excessive amount of oil or sebum build up. Sebum is a wax type substance excreted by the sebaceous glands in the scalp. Dirt and bacteria buildup can also cause problems and block the follicles. In order to keep this from happening, make sure to keep the hat and headbands clean and dry.
Stressing the hair. Constant undue stress placed on the hair can cause hair loss. Pulling or tugging on the hair can cause stress that causes the hair to become brittle and fall out. Do not take your hat off or put it on too often or adjust it too frequently as this places stresses on the hair follicles.

What should you do if you must wear a hat or just like to wear a hat? First, make sure you keep the scalp and hair clean. This will make sure the hair follicles do not become plugged from excess oil or sebum. This will also make sure there are no bacteria growing in the hair follicles.

Make sure you do not wear your hat or headgear too tightly. Keep it loose fitting and comfortable. It is very important to make sure to keep your hat, clean and dry. Sharing your hat with other people is not a good idea either as this can transfer bacteria and oil from their scalp to yours.

If possible, try not to wear a hat continuously day in day out. Give your hair follicles and scalp time to get some fresh air. This will help with getting oxygen and blood flow to the hair follicles.

Myth: Wearing a hat will definitely make you have hair loss. Not true! It is not the wearing of the hat. It is how you wear the hat and if the hat is kept clean or not. It also depends on how many times you put the hat on and take it off, adjusting the hat on your head and how much stress is placed on the hair follicles. It is not the fact of wearing a hat that causes hair loss. It is how it is worn and taken care of.

So if you want to wear your hat, wear it...just be smart about it! But what happens if your hair continues to thin and fall out?

Hair Loss

This is just a few tips to stop hair loss and help to re-grow your hair. You can learn how to use less than $15 of grocery store items to stop hair loss and re-grow hair at Hair Loss Prevention [http://hairloss.kteweb.com] and Re-growth.

Discover how you can keep the hair you have and re-grow the hair that you have lost. Have your hair growing back thick and luxurious in no time. Information can be found at [http://hairloss.kteweb.com]

Hair Loss - My Hair is Gone, Was it My Hat That Caused It?

Hair Loss

Examine Hair Loss Treatment a lot more

Hair Loss Treatments

In this article we're going to discuss the options for people who suffer from hair loss, assuming their hair does not grow back naturally.

In the old days there weren't many options at all. The most common thing to do if you were a man suffering from hair loss was to go out and buy a toupee. Depending on how severe your hair loss was this was either a partial toupee, covering the top or front of the scalp or a full blown wig covering the whole head. If this is still your preferred method of covering up your hair loss it would be best to get a very expensive toupee. Cheap ones look like toupees. Expensive ones actually look like real hair and many of them are partially made from real hair. A very realistic toupee can cost you as much as $800 or more. Even cheap ones are not cheap and can run well over $150 but cheap ones look terrible and you'll look worse than if you just went with no hair at all.

After the toupee there are a number of hair loss treatments.

One type of hair loss restoration is non surgical bio matrix. This is a process where real human hair is added to your hair by a process where the hair is woven together with your own. They do this in the areas where you are balding so that when you actually comb your hair you'll still see your scalp because the hair is not surgically implanted. This is one of the most popular methods today.

Another option is what is called microscopic follicular unit hair transplants. A follicular unit is how hair actually grows, in groupings. A single unit can contain one to four hair follicles. These units also contain hairs that are not visible to the naked eye. Basically hair is transplanted into these invisible units. This method is said to have the highest growth rate and is the most effective for curing baldness.

Another option is Extreme Hair Therapy (EXT). EXT stimulates growth of hair in the balding areas. The way this method works is it keeps the hair follicles in their growth stage longer than normal which stimulates thicker hair growth and slows down the thinning process. This process is done at three levels. One, it improves scalp circulation and blood flow. Two, it reduces damage to the hair follicle by reacting with environmental factors. Three, it uses advanced hair loss therapies from around the world as they emerge.

Then of course there are your drugs like Minoxidil. This drug was actually an accident. It was first made to treat high blood pressure and they found out that one of the side effects was the ability to slow down or reverse the balding process. By applying this externally at about a 2% solution it actually starts to grow hair. This drug is now marketed under the name of Rogaine. The success of this drug however is limited and then there is always the option of staying bald. Be proud of your dome.

------------------------------------------------------- Michael Russell Your Independent guide to Hair Loss -------------------------------------------------------

Hair Loss Treatment

Hair Loss Treatments