Are you searching for a treatment for hair loss? You will be happy to know that there are some treatments available.
Hair loss can occur for numerous reasons, it is commonly known to occur in women but can be a problem for everyone. With men the cause is most probably due to hereditary baldness. In women it can often be a problem that re-occurs throughout our lives.
Treatment for hair loss is becoming more available, in the past no effective treatments were known so people had to accept and deal with the loss. Your doctor will discuss possible medical treatments, but you will find some treatments available in any pharmacy or drugstore.
It can be a distressing and annoying, you notice that hair has blocked the sink holes and you notice stray hairs everywhere. Many people can feel slightly depressed with the amounts of hair loss that they experience. The loss of hair is probably because of hormonal changes in the body. If you are concerned get medical advise, it may be nothing to worry about.
Treatments for loss of hair may include;
Minoxidil, It is applied to the head as a lotion, this treatment increases the hair weight and the number of strands that grow. This product is affordable and can be very effective, some side effects can include dandruff, itchy and flaky scalp.
Finasteride, this product is only for men. Side effects are possible and they include temporary impotence and loss of sexual desire.
Saw palmetto, this herbal substance prevents hair loss and promotes healthy strong hair.Hair implants, expensive surgery to implant healthy hair follicles, this will need to be repeated several times during your life.
Hair pieces, such as a wig these are better quality than those of the past. They can be made out of synthetic hair or real human hair and they look like the real thing.
Laser combs, laser light is stimulates the hair follicles and promotes healthy growth.
Treatment for loss of hair should be chosen to suit the individuals needs. If the amount of hair your lose is mild then you will not need to go to the lengths of surgery or hair pieces, treatment in the form of a lotion may be ideal for your needs.
You may prevent losing your hair by incorporating healthy changes to your diet, you may also consider a vitamin supplement. There are many supplements available that can prevent hair loss and promote healthy hair, if you are interested you may be interested in the Vitamin B group.
People everywhere lose between 50 - 100 hairs in a 24 hour period, this is considered normal. If your hair loss is becoming more severe, then action is required. Speak with your doctor about any possible treatments or medications. It is important to maintain a healthy balanced diet and try to exercise regularly, the hardest thing to do is relax. Getting stressed can increase the amount of hair you lose, and you will notice a huge difference, if stress is a huge factor for you then you should consider therapy or maybe even an anti-depressant medication.
Treatment for hair loss can benefit those with hair loss problems. If after prolonged use of treatments for hair loss you do not notice any changes, you should seek advice from your doctor. You may require a change of medication or treatment.
Hair Loss TreatmentsFor further information on Treatment For Hair Loss then please visit my health ezines site for detailed information not only on this disease but many other health related topics.