Hair Loss Treatments That Really Work
Hair Loss TreatmentsHair loss has affected both men and women for years and years. However, men have proven to be more susceptible to it than women. Male cases of hair loss are often referred to as Male Pattern Baldness. It is thought be a hereditary condition that affect a certain percentage of middle aged men and young adults.
With hair loss, comes the many different treatments that all claim to alleviate or reverse the condition. But, which of those treatments really do work? Well, the best thing to do is to try them all. But, then again - that will only be a waste of resources and may only lead to disappointment. So, to avoid frustration, check out the list of different hair loss treatments below. These treatments don't just claim to work --- they actually do.
What Causes Hair Loss
Before we take a plunge into the world of hair loss treatments, it is necessary that we discuss what causes it in the first place. Hair Loss is a genetic condition. If your father, your grandfather, your uncle and your brother have it - then there is big chance that you will have it too. It may also be stress related. The condition is often caused by chemical imbalance in your body. Thyroid problems as well as an excess in androgen (male hormones) and estrogen (if you're a woman) may cause the condition.
Now that we have tackled the cause of hair loss, we can move on and discuss ways to treat and reverse it. Camouflage techniques such as wigs and hairpieces have not been included in the list. The items below are mainly chemical stimulators and inhibitors. Hair Replacement Surgery is also discussed.
Growth Stimulators
Growth stimulators may be used as the first attempt to counter hair loss at its' early stages. To prevent or delay progression you should use growth stimulators to revitalize the weakened hair follicles in your scalp. It works by stimulating growth at a very superficial level. Growth Stimulators are indeed effective and you are guaranteed hair growth. But, the results may be short-lived as the underlying cause of hair loss is not being addressed.
Anti-Androgen Drugs and DHT Inhibitors
Anti-Androgen drugs and DHT inhibitors have longer lasting effects than growth stimulators do. Anti-androgen drugs work by countering the androgen levels in your system. DHT inhibitors work slightly different from Anti-androgen drugs. Instead of attacking androgen head on, it focuses on disrupting the binding of testosterone and return DHT levels back to normal - thus, preventing further fall out.
Super Oxide Dismutase
Super Oxide Dismutase works by reducing the body's immune response against the hair follicle. Therefore, the follicles are spared and hair loss is prevented.
Surgical Intervention
A popular hair loss treatment is Hair Replacement Surgery. As the name suggest, it involves the implantation of 'grafts' - hair follicles from a donor site - into your scalp or places where you need hair. Hair Replacement Surgery is very effective, although it may take some time before the grafts take and start looking like natural hair.
With any treatment, it is always advised to uses synergistic methods. That means using more than one hair loss treatment at one time. You can use growth stimulators at the same time using DHT inhibitors. That way, you will have both long term and short term treatments to help you keep your hair.
The author of this article is Benedict Yossarian. For wigs advice Benedict recommends Wig Trendz and for hair replacement Benedict recommends