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Let's face it, balding hair loss is sometimes as exciting as watching paint dry. Balding occurs a few follicles at a time until one day you look into the mirror and think that the tooth ferry has taken on the added responsibility of chief hair bandit. In this informational article titled "Balding Hair Loss" we be exploring the most common cause of balding along with a few general hair facts.  

On average the normal person will lose about 125 precious hairs a day which are for the most part replaced. But over time ones ability to replace those lost hairs starts to diminish. By the tender age of 50 some degree of balding hair loss affects about 6 out of 10 men and approximately one out of four women.   The traffic cop monitoring hair loss is an enzyme known to his friends and enemies alike is 5 alpha reductase type 2, which converts testosterone (a male sex hormone found in both men and women) into dihydrotestosterone or DHT. Over several 4 or 5 year hair cycles DHT causes hairs to become less robust and shorter. It also effectively shortens the growth cycle and accelerates the number of hairs that enter the resting phase. Put simply, the more DHT the faster and more prominent the thinning and/or balding.   Balding hair loss could be a synonym for the term alopecia. Alopecia is simply the process of losing more hair than is replaced.

Among the types of alopecia the big player is a condition known as androgenetic alopecia (male pattern baldness/female pattern baldness). As the name implies it is a stubborn condition of genetic origin which is aggravated by hormones, specifically dihydrotestosterone. Some estimates suggest that this condition may be responsible for 90% of all cases of balding hair loss.   In men, hair loss likely will be first noticed at the forehead or on the top of the head toward the back. Some men lose only some hair and have only a receding hairline or a small bald spot in the back. Sadly others, who have won the race to the bald on top club, will retain hair on the sides and back of the scalp.   In women, who have much lower levels of testosterone than men, as well as a different pattern of hormone receptors and enzymes on the scalp, their hair loss usually consists of a thinning of the hair rather than a complete loss of hair. They also tend not to experience the receding hair line which is so often seen in their male counterparts.  

What's the next step? First, if your balding hair loss has left you with just a few sprigs your options will be limited to transplants, hair pieces, and wigs. On the other hand if you have only experienced moderate hair loss then the chances of slowing and possibly reversing the effects of androgenetic alopecia are very good. There are number of excellent hair regrowth products that are specially formulated for both men and women to block DHT and provide the nutrients necessary for healthy new hair growth. If you are one of the millions of men and women searching for answers this is definitely an option worth considering.

R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate of alternative natural health products and supplements with over 10 years experience. To learn more about natural remedies for better health visit Purchase

Balding Hair Loss

Hair Loss