Read through Hair Loss Treatment For Thinning Hair far more

Hair Loss Treatments

Hair loss treatment is a necessary evil, because continuous loss of hair is definitely a shocking factor for both sexes. The pathetic situation is that many individuals fail to identify the cause of hair fall. Some people just ignore it under the assumption that it is due to age factor while few people delve deep into this matter in order to identify the cause of the problem. It is advisable for individuals to come into the second category. If an individual loses hair to a greater extent, then this problem is called as alopecia.

The most common type of alopecia is termed as androgenic alopecia and the main cause for this problem is due to genetic factors and hormone imbalance. In androgenic alopecia an enzyme termed as "5 alpha -reductase type 2" transforms testosterone into dihydrotestosterone to a maximum level. Due to the over production of DHT the hair follicles are affected to a greater extent. If the DHT is not hindered, then it may result in thinning of hair and baldness.

The following are the possible hair loss treatments suggested by experts:

To prevent it the best hair loss treatment to be followed is to re-grow the hair, block DHT or to do both. In the past Minoxidil was used mostly to reduce hypertension and blood pressure. But accidentally researchers were able to find out that it has the power to increase the growth of hair. They have also found out that Minoxidil promotes the growth of hair by 20 to 40% but the real benefit from this is that it slows down the loss of hair by 90%.

Minoxidil is taken topically whereas Propecia is taken orally and it has been exclusively prescribed for an individual suffering due to androgenic alopecia. It has also been proved that it is highly effective in blocking the enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT. It slows down the process of balding, but it is not that effective when used by old men.

The most important thing is that the cause of this entire problem must be identified. If the hair loss increases, then the effect of treatment may get reduced. All the hair loss treatments may not be suitable for all people. So the individual must not get disappointed if that particular treatment does not work out. He must boldly and immediately choose another treatment that may be highly effective to solve his problem.

The best hair loss treatment at this moment are natural hair growth supplements containing Biotin and Vitamin B6.

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Or watch a free video about a new Natural Hair Loss remedy [].

Hair Loss Treatment For Thinning Hair